Speaker Series
校友演讲系列是一个将校友与在校学生联系起来的项目. 校友被邀请在高年级集会上发言和参观班级.
Past speakers
Hawa Shir ’12, a Community Health Promotion Specialist from Portland Public Health presented at Middle School Assembly in February.
Jonas Maines ’15 作为对话日的一部分,参观了校园,向高年级进行了展示. View the video of his presentation at Assembly.
Elliott Nye ’15 , 萨拉劳伦斯学院戏剧专业的应届毕业生, 会加入高中春季剧的演员和工作人员吗, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and leading a workshop in puppetry.
Chloe Rowse ’12 is an 艺术家、教师、运动员、徒步旅行者和世界旅行家. This past spring/summer, she thru-hiked the entire 2,从乔治亚州到缅因州的190英里阿巴拉契亚小径. 作为一名经过认证的阿斯汤加和串联瑜伽老师, 她喜欢和各种年龄和能力的学生一起工作. 在过去的14年里,克洛伊一直领导着针对年轻女孩的暑期项目. 她还教过男女同校的极限飞盘,并经营过几个青年极限训练营. In 2015, she played on the US Women’s National Team at the World Ultimate Frisbee Championships.
After Waynflete, Chloe went to Colorado College where she double-majored in Education and Studio Art. 她还新巴黎人注册网站了德语、法语、意大利语和荷兰语. 她对旅行的热爱使她去过很多地方,包括印度, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Thailand, Vietnam, Mexico, Canada, the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, and throughout Europe. In fall of 2018, 她去了南美,徒步穿越了巴塔哥尼亚, 在智利的海滩上玩极限飞盘, biked and hiked the Atacama Desert, 在秘鲁的亚马逊雨林做志愿者, 长途跋涉穿过古印加古道到达马丘比丘. Read a Waynflete Wire story about Chloe’s Appalachian Trail trek.
Lucas O’Neil ’08 is a New York-based stand-up and writer. 在离开缅因州之后, Lucas quickly established himself as one of the most promising young comedians in the country — showcasing a delightful mix of playfulness and intellect. He performs in clubs and venues all across the Midwest and has garnered national attention at various festivals – including the prestigious Limestone, Laughing Skull, and Bridgetown Comedy Festivals. Lucas has also had the opportunity to open for some of the best comics in the country – including Nick Thune, Matt Braunger, Kevin Nealon, and most importantly, Nick Thune, again. 最近,卢卡斯被评为2018年喜剧中心“下一个”喜剧演员. 离开新巴黎人注册网站后,卢卡斯去了鲍登学院.
Becky Smith ’12 在自由港长大,2012年毕业于新巴黎人注册网站大学. 她继续在贝茨学院主修地质学, 整个夏天都在加州做野外工作, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, and Missouri. 在与边境巡逻队近距离接触之后, rattle snakes, and brown recluse spiders, 她选择了一个安全的实验室环境作为她的基地. She now works in the biogeochemistry lab at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, 她在哪里攻读气候变化研究硕士/博士学位.
Joshua Broder ’97 serves as CEO of Tilson, 一家位于波特兰的信息技术实施公司, which under his leadership, 从不足10人发展到360人, earning a top spot on the Inc. 连续七年荣登5000强榜单. Josh led several large, successful Recovery Act-funded technology infrastructure projects in for Tilson that included fiber optic broadband smart grid network deployments. 乔希在欧洲执行任务时是一名陆军信号官,初具领导能力, the Middle East, and Central Asia, where he was awarded the Bronze Star for service in Afghanistan running the tactical communications network for U.S. Forces. Josh拥有明德学院的学士学位. Josh is a graduate of AT&T’s Operation Hand Salute at JFK University with a certificate in entrepreneurial studies. Josh是Skowhegan储蓄银行的董事, Kleinschmidt Associates(位于匹茨菲尔德), 缅因州跨国工程公司), the Gulf of Maine Research Institute, and software start-up NBT Solutions. Josh is is married to Eliza Ginn ’00 and his son, Clayton, is in Kindergarten in Mrs. T’s class (Josh’s K teacher).
Michael M. Givertz, M.D. ’80 received his BA in Environmental Studies from Brown University in 1984 and MD from Harvard Medical School in 1990. He is currently Director of the Heart Transplant and Mechanical Circulatory Support Program at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. His research interests include cardiorenal interactions and novel therapies for advanced heart disease. He is a past research fellow of the American Heart Association and recipient of a career development award from the National Institutes of Health. 他目前是国家心脏中心的首席研究员, 肺和血液研究所心力衰竭网络, 也是其他几个nih资助项目的联合研究员, including Clinical Trials in Organ Transplantation and Peripartum Cardiomyopathy Network. 他在心力衰竭病理生理学和管理方面发表了大量文章, with a particular focus on advanced heart disease and mechanical circulatory support. He is married to Joanne Wolfe, 他是波士顿的儿科肿瘤学家和姑息治疗专家, 有三个可爱的孩子(山姆23岁), Hannah 21 and Ben 17), 一只叫巴迪的狗和一只叫亚兹的猫.
Hugh Freund’s ’06 lifelong interest in design and technology began to solidify while attending Upper School at Waynflete. 2006年,他进入罗杰威廉姆斯大学建筑专业新巴黎人注册网站. Freund states, “Understanding the process of learning is one of the biggest takeaways from my time at Waynflete.” Freund recently represented the United States in the three-person Sonar class at the Rio Paralympic Games. Coming away with a victory in the final race of the event, his team won a silver medal.
Formerly a journalist in Beirut, Will Donovan ’03 has built strategic supply and logistics platforms for the Department of Defense in four continents, 在五个国家作为侨民生活过, 目前是一家数字媒体初创公司的首席执行官. He graduated from the George Washington University with a Degree in Religious Studies after attending Waynflete as a “Lifer” from Preschool to twelfth grade.
Caitie Whelan ’02 是闪电笔记的创始人/首席执行官吗, 每天发一篇“帮助推动世界前进”的短文.” It features ideas and stories to remind us that we matter and that improving the world is our matter. Prior to The Lightning Notes, Caitie是国会的高级外交政策顾问, 在印度联合创办了一所培养低种姓音乐家的学校, and raised pigs in Italy. She is a graduate of Brown University where she co-launched their Social Innovation Initiative, 以及Salt纪录片研究所, 在那里她共同创立并主持了Salt校友会. 她是缅因州的杜鲁门学者.
Margo Davies Walsh ’82 grew up in Cumberland, 在惠顿学院(Wheaton College)获得心理学学士学位后, 搬到了纽约市,在那里她开始了大学和MBA招聘的职业生涯. 拥有超过20年的招聘经验, staffing and employee development, Margo worked initially for the Investment Banking Division at Goldman Sachs and later for the international human resources consulting firm, Hewitt. In 2011, she launched MaineWorks after volunteering at the Cumberland County Jail and realizing that, without a job, 大多数刚释放的犯人都没有机会. MaineWorks is a temporary labor staffing company specializing in the field of industrial construction.
Jonathan Asen ’05 他在波特兰长大,在韦恩弗莱特学校上了14年学,2005年毕业. 他在康涅狄格州哈特福德的三一学院获得学士学位. While at Trinity he took time off to work on Senator Barack Obama’s presidential campaign. 2009年,他搬到华盛顿,在白宫工作了五年. 他曾在总统通信办公室担任过各种职务, the Chief of Staff’s Office, 以及立法事务办公室. Jonny moved back to Maine in January to work as the Senior Advisor to Maine House Speaker Mark Eves. 乔尼和他的妻子安妮·莱纳住在波特兰. They met at Waynflete.
Maggie Christie Keohan ’89 earned a B.A. 1993年获得阿姆赫斯特学院俄语研究荣誉学位, 她是塞缪尔·沃利·布朗学者吗. She went on to receive an MBA in Finance from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. For the last 15 years, 麦琪一直是高净值人士的财务顾问, 新英格兰地区的基金会和捐赠基金, Sachs & Co.’s office in Boston. Previously, Maggie managed multimillion-dollar reform projects in the former Soviet Union for the US Agency for International Development and the International Finance Corporation, an arm of the World Bank. 除了她在高盛的工作, Maggie currently serves on the investment committee of the Maine Community Foundation. She also chairs the investments committee and is a member of the board of the John T. Gorman Foundation. 玛吉和她的丈夫以及两个十几岁的儿子住在马萨诸塞州的欣厄姆.
Eleanor Callott Whitney ’00 is an entrepreneur, writer, rock musician, and educator who is living in Brooklyn, NY. She is the proud recipient of a Master’s degree in Public Administration from Baruch College. 十多年来,埃莉诺一直与世界级的博物馆合作. As a Program Officer for Fiscal Sponsorship at the New York Foundation for the Arts she managed and expanded a national program that enabled artists to increase their fundraising capabilities. She has also worked at the Brooklyn Museum, the Rubin Museum of Art, and at POV/American Documentary. 她目前是社区外展协调员 Shapeways, 一个3D打印社区和市场,是作者 Grow, 一本实用的创业指南. 你可以看到她2015年2月在高中大会上的演讲视频 here.
Jedediah Morfit ’92 2005年在罗德岛设计学院获得艺术硕士学位, and recently was the recipient of the Dexter Jones Award from the National Sculpture Society in both 2011 and 2012. 他完成了《新巴黎人注册网站》的公共委托,2013年,兰斯·冯(Lance Fung)在大西洋城策划了这一装置艺术. His work has been exhibited widely across the United States and in the Waynflete Gallery January 2015. Morfit lives and works in New Jersey, 他是新泽西州理查德·斯托克顿学院的艺术副教授. 你可以看到他2014年12月在高中大会上的演讲视频 here.